Harmony Schools encourages student-centered and enquiry-based approaches to learning. It also develops skills in creative thinking, enquiry and problem solving, giving students excellent preparation for higher-level courses.
Swamiji visualized a universal family of man without the barriers of caste or creed. With his abundant love and compassion for all created things, he started a new epoch in spiritual regeneration. The benevolent view that Swamiji exemplified from his teaching and practice was divine in its spiritual content and serene to its exposition. He preached that attaining a state of material happiness and sensuous joy by a clever and judicious exploitation of Mother Nature doesn’t lead to supreme happiness.
Swamiji considered Ahimsa as the highest duty. He was against the killing of animals and the eating of meat. He believed that the path of Ahimsa led to Salvation . He declared that Brahmins and non-Brahmins have equal right to learn the Vedas. He himself studied the Vedas and other Sastras, hitherto denied to non-Brahmins. He explained Vedanta in a lucid style that could be understood even by an illiterate. He pointed out that women have equal, if not even more, rights in society.
To impart education as a means of providing students with a philosophy of life, thereby facilitating their overall growth, intellectual development thinking and learning skills. So, they may integrate themselves into the community with respect, confidence and purpose.
Our vision is an optimistic view of tomorrow, aspiring for working towards the prefect environment for learning and growing up. The school provides AIR (Aim, Independence and Recognition), which helps to remove obstacles in the path to attain self-confidence. The school does not merely aim at providing bookish knowledge, but to help the children to bring out their innate abilities and to develop the same.
The school is involved in the process of shaping the future of children. This has been done with great care, love, dedication and zeal, to make the students become successful human beings
Our mission is to develop young learners with active and creative minds to think intensively and critically with a strong secular ethos, to instill in them a sense of understanding and compassion for others and the courage to act on their beliefs, to provide each student a diverse education that promotes self-discipline, motivation, a sense of responsibility, social and global consciousness and excellence in learning, to assist the students in developing skills to become independent holistic learners empowered for life and to help them grow into better human beings to make this planet a better place to live.
Our mission is to develop young learners with active and creative minds to think intensively and critically with a strong secular ethos. We have to instill in them a sense of understanding and compassion for others and the courage to act on their beliefs. We believe in providing each student a diverse education that promotes self-discipline, motivation, a sense of responsibility, social and global consciousness and excellence in learning, to assist the students in developing skills to become independent holistic learners empowered for life. These helps them grow into better human.
We believe in developing the creative thinking skills of learners, which help them to exhibit their talent globally. We teach our learners to be confident, innovative, reflective, engaged to face the challenges of future in a global platform.
Imparting education is not a routine process that is restricted solely to the use of chalk and blackboard. AtHarmony Schools, teachers are not programmed to simply pass on knowledge and facts to the students. Our teachers teach them to logically think and reason, ask questions, discover, develop, encourage logical reasoning and independent problem solving skills in the students and foster a care and concern for fellow beings, execute every task entrusted to them with efficiency, responsibility and dedication.
To ensure sound teaching practices, selected candidates are professionally screened before recruitment. The basic 5 qualities that we seek and aim to develop in a teacher are: – ‘Vision, Passion, Integrity, Connectivity and Intelligence’ which makes our students – Confident, Responsible, Reflective, Innovative and Engaged by developing same qualities by participating in a variety of workshop, seminars, conference and team building exercises. These workshops play a vital role in upgrading the knowledge base and the latest trends in education and also make them
Harmony Schools encourages student-centered and enquiry-based approaches to learning. It also develops skills in creative thinking, enquiry and problem solving, giving students excellent preparation for higher-level courses.
When I joined Harmony, I decided not to be an intro vert girl. I was apprehensive of my inner voice which used to trigger my latent skills,being a novice, I needed a strong kick in my life. My Parents are the first Push in life, my second parents namely – Mrs. Beena ma’am and Sir,both were and are still my ideals .
Sir’s value- based lectures were always interactive & interesting, giving platform to all kids to pen their thoughts and shed their fear, Beena Maam’s earnest endeavour towards my participation in various activities made me a confident girl, I came out from my shell, it honed my leadership skills and team spirit.
Sir‘s maxim, “The road that lies ahead won’t be easy. There will be obstacles, solitariness but that’s the right moment to buckle up and proceed ahead. when the situation becomes difficult, the strong will work harder to meet the challenges and stand strong to reminisce the life lessons.
He was right. Twice the cultural leader of my college, being the Chief Communication Officer in collaboration with TISS for 3 years, selected as a Research Intern in TISS, passed two Diploma from TISS, working as a trainer at Teach India, selected as a Yuvati Seher Adhikari, Yuva Sena, Shiv Sena.
All this was not a cakewalk for me. I express my gratitude to my ideals. Always trust yourself, When the going gets tough , the tough get going.
At Harmony Schools, teachers play a crucial role in shaping a students personality. They are facilitators who guide and encourage the students towards a better tomorrow which, makes teaching not a one way process but a dialogue that involves the active participation of students.
Ensuring Quality Education
Our learning methodology extends beyond the prescribed textbooks. Students are encouraged to study complex topics based on experiential learning. Project-based learning ensures that the students master the basic principles for a better understanding of the subject.
Harmony Schools believes, if parents get involved in their children’s education, they positively influence the children’s chances of success. So parents are involved in educational activities of children and take their feedback seriously. Parents and school personnel work together to ensure progress of every child and we consider this process as the back bone of our high learning standards.